I have just started the process to donate my body to the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State! I've always wanted to donate my body to forensic science, ever since I found out about University of Tennessee's Anthropological Research Farm many many years ago. I've wanted to stay in Texas though, so I kind of wavered on it. I've also had this romantic dream of a sky burial, but the only place you can really do that is in Tibet and I think, some places in India. I love vultures, they are one of my favorite animals, and I always thought it would be neat to give them a little food in an extremely personal manner. Well, one of the major areas of study at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State is a vulture study! Plus, you can tell the program what type of forensic research you would prefer to be a part of! I can stay in Texas, have my sky burial, donate myself to forensic study, and then sit in an anthropological research lab for however long my bones last! Plus, if my family and/or friends, I think it's up to me, isn't too creeped out by it, they can come visit me when the research is done and my bones are sitting on a shelf!
This gives me such a sense of peace. I now know exactly what is going to happen to me after death. Now, I just need to plan the part between the actual death and getting to the research facility! I won't be embalmed, and there's no need for a casket, so I'm not sure I'm going to go for a funeral. I've always wanted a wake, so I'm definitely going to have that. A friend of mine suggested making wine for it. I think that is a perfect idea! I can also make some mead for it as well. When the time comes, I can, depending upon my health, make some beer or have beer made for me. I already know at least one type that I want!
This isn't going to happen for another 40 or 50 years or so, but I've got it in the works, and I'm much calmer and more centered about everything now!
Now, I just need to work on learning how to format this blog and get it in order!
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